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Cara Grandle

Writing Resources
Susie May Warren has played a significant roll in my publishing journey. Click on the images below to learn more about these great craft books.
If you are interested in paying for a fast, quality education to learn the craft of writing her is the link to Susan’s website My book therapy.
And here is a link to the Susan May Warren’s Frasier Contest.
I’m sure this list will continue to grow. Writing Craft books are everywhere. These are the few I’ve found most helpful and why: (In no particular order.)
Some books have more worth than others when it comes to creating a healthy, balanced-life, steeped in common sense and wisdom. These are my favorites. In no particular order. (As taught at MOPS)
Here is the massage tool I’ve been telling you guys about. It is used for runners and athletes to give deep tissue massages to IT bands, hamstring and quads, but it works great for your neck. And, if you put one of the handles on that spot between your shoulders and lay on it, then pull to message with the opposite hand, you can be free of the stiff-shoulders tightness in minutes. After spending months with a chiropractor, post-car accident, I was introduced to this tool by a runner friend. My chiropractor now includes it in his wellness program.
I sound like a salesman… I usually do when I find a trick that works. I’m not a doctor and I don’t think anyone is confused enough to think I am. But I better put it in here, just in case, wink.
There are other Sticks out there, but some aren’t the same length and some don’t have the finger grips built the same way, and some have a different flex-resistance to them. Hope this is helpful.
Here’s to lllloooooong hours spent writing.
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