

Complete. Whole. What is that? My perception of myself is as twisted as a pretzel. The bottom outweighs the top. Never a question of the glass being half-empty or half-full, But Rather what's in it...what's in me? But one conversation with You, my Fullness of Joy, and...

Handlebars for Living

Handlebars. Learning to hang on. Bobby was the teenage neighbor boy. Three motorcycle riding experiences with him. The first, watching him learn how to drive. He pulled the throttle wide open and sped across the driveway, feet flying out behind him and hit the side of...

Cut Scene for Readers

Original Opening Scene   “Rebecca! Get some more mash.” Pa kicked her bedroll under his cot. Seventeen-year-old Rebecca squelched a moan and peeped her head out from her tight quarters. She focused her sleep-puffy eyes on Pa, who moved to sit on his wood stool....

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